Saturday, September 13, 2008

Success With Danish!

My partner, Amanda, and I had a successful day in the kitchen. We made Danishes and two apple crumb pies. In the first two photos, Amanda is adding softened butter to two-thirds of our rolled out dough, so that we can fold it inside the dough. Danishes are made from "laminated" (high fat!) yeast dough that has been rolled out and folded ("turned") three times.

After we cut our finished dough into two-ounce strips, Chef Songin showed us how to twist and twirl the strips into their final shape for proofing and baking.

After the Danish were cool, Chef showed our class how to drizzle flat white icing over the tops. Chef's preference is fondant, because it stays shiny and doesn't flake off, but none could be found in the storeroom.

The finished product were de-lish!

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