Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chocolate Cake Bombes

Yesterday in baking class my new baking partner, Grace, and I got fancy in the kitchen. We whipped up chocolate cake bombes.

Here's the first stage of production: cutting round circles from thin slices of chocolate cake, then pressing the circles into the mold forms:

After the cake base, the bombes are filled with piped mousse.

Then a second chocolate cake circle, this one smaller than the bottom layer, is pressed onto the mousse. After a lengthy chill in the fridge, the bombes are ready to be flipped over and covered with chocolate ganache.

Grace removes the bombes from their flexible rubber molds:

Here we place the bombes on a wire rack we set atop a parchment-lined sheet pan, so we can catch and reuse the ganache that flows from the bombes:

Here Chef demonstrates one technique for applying the chocolate ganache:

Grace finishes up the job and we pop the bombes back in the fridge until they can be sold in the Statler dining room on Monday. (They better save us one!!!)

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